First of all YAY the forum is finally back to normal! Thank you

So this is probably exceptionally simple but maybe I've just been doing too much coding where everything looks the same.

I'm trying to write a simple macro to create an input to Unix for something a program I'm calling and giving all of it's inputs, over and over again. I'm automating this so I'm not entering in the 100k+ runs manually. I'm stuck on getting vba to output the array to the sheet properly.

Public Sub batch()

Dim s, v, i, t, j, x

s = InputBox("how many files?")
v = InputBox("how many runs?")
x = s * v

ReDim t(1 To 6, 1 To v)
        For j = 1 To s
            For i = 1 To v
                t(1, i) = "batch"
                t(2, i) = "/acct"
                t(3, i) = "Run" & j & i
                t(4, i) = "n"
                t(5, i) = "Sam"
                t(6, i) = "Enddata"
            Next i
        Next j
        Range("A1:A" & x) = t

End Sub

So if you enter in 2 for the files and 3 for the runs it should output something that loops like:


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks