
Try this
Private Sub Cbn_Send_Click()
  Dim OutObj As Object  ' Late binding
  Dim Email As Object
  Dim Msg As String
  Dim Ind As Integer
  Dim sReceiver As String
  ' Find mail adress
  sReceiver = Worksheets("Param").Range("A:A").Find(What:=Me.ComboBox1.Value).Offset(0, 1).Value
  ' Create OUTLOOK instance
  Set OutObj = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
  ' Create container object for mail
  Set Email = OutObj.CreateItem(0)
  ' Create email : Object, corp post, receiver
  Email.Subject = "Notification of Issue"
  ' Initialize message
  Msg = ""
  ' For control 1 to 5 in USF
  For Ind = 1 To 5
    If Ind < 5 Then
      Msg = Msg & Me("Label" & Ind).Caption & " : " & Me("ComboBox" & Ind).Value & vbCrLf
      Msg = Msg & Me("Label" & Ind).Caption & " : " & Me("TextBox1").Value & vbCrLf
    End If
  Next Ind
  ' Register message in body
  Email.Body = Msg
  ' Possible to add attachment
  'Email.Attachments.Add sPath & sFic
  ' = sReceiver
  ' Send mail directly
  ' Or see mail
  ' Clean object
  Set Email = Nothing
  Set OutObj = Nothing
End Sub