I have set up a 300-row spreadsheet to be copied and used by all our supervisors. Each supervisor will put in their own information, and based on what is entered in two columns, a "due date" is calculated for them. Some will use all 300 rows, some will not, and this can vary from day to day. I have protected the due date column so it cannot be changed by mistake. After all the information is entered, the spreadsheet has to be sorted so that what is due first is on top. I am trying to automate this process as much as possible because Excel is not a program they use to any extent. Right now I have two macros set up: one to unprotect the due date so that the spreadsheet can be sorted, and another so that the protection can be put back on afterwards. However, I would like to have one macro that they can activate after they enter all their information, that will unprotect the due date column, sort and then protect it again. How can I do this and have all the blank rows at the bottom?