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Using wildcards in VBA to check string contents in If...Then statement

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  1. #1
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    Using wildcards in VBA to check string contents in If...Then statement

    Hi, Y'all,

    New to the forum and kind of a novice. I have about 70-some-odd workbooks with a column that has a RouteID like so:


    Need to renumber to BLU01, BLU02, GRE01, GRE02, etc, cuz as y'all know, when you sort with numbers like I have, it comes out BLU1, BLU11, BLU12, etc. I've tried the following, to no avail, as you can see I've tried nested and un-, and pound signs and stars as the wildcards. It works to convert the first series (BLU), but won't cycle past that to select the next route in the series. Some of these sheets have up to 12 Route codes with as many as 38-43 ID's per Route, and they vary, hence the need for Wilds. Any ideas? I am also posting a sample workbook with the code attached if ya wanna play around with it. Thanks in advnce for any help!

    Sub RenumberRouteID()
    ' Sub RenumberRouteID
    ' Renumbers to "01" etc. for sorting
    'Declare Variables
    Dim Route
    Dim RouteID As String
    Dim ColorCount
    Dim RowCount
    ColorCount = 0
    RowCount = 0
    'Name Column A Range
        ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="CONSRouteID", RefersToR1C1:="=CONSOL!R4C1:R2000C1"
        'Activate first Cell in Range
        For Each Route In Range("CONSRouteID").Cells
            'If Route.FormulaR1C1 = "RouteID" Like "BLU##" Then
                If Route.FormulaR1C1 = "BLU1" Then
                    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "BLU01"
                    Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range(Cells(4, 1), Cells(4 + 8, 1)), Type:=xlFillDefault
                End If
                'RowCount = RowCount + 1
                'Range(Cells(4 + RowCount, 1)).Select
            'End If
        For Each Route In Range("CONSRouteID").Cells
            If Route.Value = "BLU*" Then
                RowCount = RowCount + 1
                Range(Cells(4 + RowCount, 1)).Select
            End If
    End Sub

  2. #2
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    Re: Using wildcards in VBA to check string contents in If...Then statement

    What are you trying to do?
    After renumbering the column 1, are you trying to sort or does it already come in the sorted order?
    Do you just want to renumber column 1 from BLU1 to BLU01?

    If so, Here are some questions before I can recommend an answer:
    1. does the id always come prefixed by Alpha characters such as BLU, RED, GRE etc.?
    2. Is the total length of the id 5 characters?
    3. Do you mind adding an additional column next to column 1 and then work with the sheet?

  3. #3
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    Re: Using wildcards in VBA to check string contents in If...Then statement

    Here is a suggestion.
    1. Add a new column 'B' next to column 'A'

    2. In the new blank cell B4 enter the formula =IF(LEN(A4)<5,MID(A4,1,3)&"0"&MID(A4,4,LEN(A4)-3),A4)

    3. Copy from new Cell B4 down to however many rows you have in column B. The values in the new column 'B" will become from BLU1 top BLU01, BLU2 to BLU02 .... GRN1 to GRN01, GRN2 to GRN02 ... and so on.

    4. Now sort on the new column 'B' and that should come out in the correct sort order you want.

    Does this help?

  4. #4
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    Re: Using wildcards in VBA to check string contents in If...Then statement

    Did you try this?

    1. Add a new column 'B' next to column 'A'

    2. In the new blank cell B4 enter the formula =IF(LEN(A4)<5,MID(A4,1,3)&"0"&MID(A4,4,LEN(A4)-3),A4)

    3. Copy from new Cell B4 down to however many rows you have in column B. The values in the new column 'B" will become from BLU1 top BLU01, BLU2 to BLU02 .... GRN1 to GRN01, GRN2 to GRN02 ... and so on.

    4. Now sort on the new column 'B' and that should come out in the correct sort order you want.

    Does this help? Hope this is what you are looking for.

    I am attaching the solution here so, you can see the formula on the new column "B".

    If this works for you, please mark 'solved' for your query.
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  5. #5
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    Re: Using wildcards in VBA to check string contents in If...Then statement

    Hi, everlearning,

    Thanks for your interest and suggestion. To answer your questions, I am trying to clean up some old data and prep it for export to an Access database we're developing. The spreadsheets already come in the sorted order we want, and your suggestion would work well for me if I were only going to be using the info in Excel. I will be sorting by the address column to clean up the data there, as well, then need to re-sort back to the original order for export to Access. So, unfortunately, I doubt an extra column with a formula would do the trick; the RouteID really kinda needs to be "hard-coded" as BLU01, etc.

    Any other suggestions?

  6. #6
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    Re: Using wildcards in VBA to check string contents in If...Then statement


    Can this even be done?

  7. #7
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    Re: Using wildcards in VBA to check string contents in If...Then statement

    Just thinking. Since this is old data that you are trying to migrate, I am assuming the data is static and will not change anymore.
    If that is the case, can you do the following:
    1. copy the column 'A' from the sheet 'CONSOL' to a new sheet 'Sheet1'.
    2. Perform the action I recommended to end up with a "Column 'B'" in 'Sheet1'.
    3. Copy data from "Sheet1:Column 'B'" on to the original sheet "CONSOL:Column 'A'". Make sure you use 'paste special', only to transfer the data and not the formula on the 'Column 'A'.

    Result: You will have the sheet 'CONSOL' with the date in "Column 'A'" replaced from 'BLU1" to 'BLU01', 'GRN1 to 'GRN01' ...

    Attaching the document (V2) to show the end result (same number of columns with desired data in "Column 'A'". Check out the 'Sheet 1' as well.

    Hope this will work for you.

    Can't just give up!

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  8. #8
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    Re: Using wildcards in VBA to check string contents in If...Then statement

    Here's something weird.... when I use the following code, Excel selects cell "BLU1". What am I doing wrong?
    Sub RenumberRouteID()
    ' Sub RenumberRouteID
    ' Renumbers to "01" etc. for sorting
    'Declare Variables
    Dim Route
    Dim RouteID As String
    Dim RowCount
    RowCount = 0
    'Name Column A Range
        ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="CONSRouteID", RefersToR1C1:="=CONSOL!R4C1:R2000C1"
        'Activate first Cell in Range
        For Each Route In Range("CONSRouteID").Cells
            If Route.FormulaR1C1 = "BLU1" Then
                ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "BLU01"
                Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range(Cells(4, 1), Cells(4 + 8, 1)), Type:=xlFillDefault
            End If
        For Each Route In Range("CONSRouteID").Cells
            If Route.Value = "RouteID" Like "BLU*" Then
                RowCount = RowCount + 1
            End If
            Range(Cells(4 + RowCount, 1)).Select
    End Sub
    If the very last statement, "Range(Cells(4 + RowCount, 1)).Select" is left out, then Excel selects cell A4, the starting point. Any other ideas??

  9. #9
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    Re: Using wildcards in VBA to check string contents in If...Then statement

    I am not a VB programmer However, You may have to answer this question and you may get to the source of your problem.

    I have 2 questions:
    1. Why are you hard coding 'BLU..' in your program. This has no relevance to wyhy you are ehaving hte problem.

    2. Are you ignoring the fact that we now have 5 characters instead of floating 4 to 5 characters in the column 'A'.

    I may not be making sense below. If so, please bear with me but, get the gist of my thought below. If my statements below sound absurd, I am not the person who can answer your question. Sorry!

    Please remember you do not have 'BLU1' anymore. You only have 'BLU01', 'BLU02'...
    Why three is a reference of 'BLU1' in your program code?

    Also in your statement:
    Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range(Cells(4, 1), Cells(4 + 8, 1)), Type:=xlFillDefault

    Does Cells(4,1) refer to the data in A4 for a length of 4 from character in position 1?
    If that is the case then you'll have duplicate data because the result will be a 4 character text 'BLU0" for 9 rows of data.
    If my question is true then you may want to say Cells(5, 1) - just guessing by logic.

    Check that out, as I said, I am not a VB programmer and do not know the program commands.

  10. #10
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    Re: Using wildcards in VBA to check string contents in If...Then statement

    Hi, everlearning,

    Your suggestion to create a new work sheet might be a good workaround if I can't figure out how to make the wildcard statements fire correctly, thanks.

    To answer a couple of your questions:

    "BLU", "GRE, etc. are references to a color code for collection routes my company runs. The explanation of what I'm doing and all the data involved is rather lengthy, so I'll spare the details, but the reference BLU1 refers to the first stop on the Blue Route, BLU2 is second, etc. Thus it's hard coded. The reference BLU1 in the code tells VBA to look for RouteID "BLU1" and change it to "BLU01".

    In the statement "Selection.Autofill etc.", Cells(4, 1) is an alternate means of referring to Cell A4 that allows you to tell VBA to add rows or columns. For example, if Cells(4, 1) (Cell A4 in normal parlance) is selected, you can move to Cell A10 by saying "Cells(4 + 6, 1).Select", or in the case of what I'm trying to accomplish, having VBA count the number of rows as a variable (RowCount) based on a criteria (how many rows have "BLU" in the RouteID?), then adding the Row Count to the Cell reference, thus: "Cells(4 + RowCount, 1).Select". My problem seems to stem from improper syntax, and that's where I need the help.

  11. #11
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    Re: Using wildcards in VBA to check string contents in If...Then statement

    If all your values in the A column contains 3 letters pluss 1 or two numbers perhaps a macro like this could be of help.

    Option Explicit
    Sub AddZer()
    Dim cell As Range
    For Each cell In Range("A4:A" & Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
    If Len(cell) = 4 Then
        cell = Mid(cell, 1, 3) & 0 & Right(cell, 1)
    End If
    End Sub
    Last edited by Alf; 10-10-2013 at 04:15 PM.

  12. #12
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    Re: Using wildcards in VBA to check string contents in If...Then statement

    Sorry! As I said earlier, I cannot help you with the syntax.
    I see this is a subroutine and I also see a few variables that are not local to the Sub routine such as Type, xlFillDefault, FormulaR1C1 etc.

    Also when you say Excel selects "BLU1" I do not understand what variable gets the value "BLU1", is it Route.FormulaR1C1 getting assigned this value? (I do not see any variable should have the value 'BLU1" because that does not exist anywhere in the reformatted column 'A'. Is it possible that it is getting assigned outside this subroutine and the routine always failed due to some reason and the residual value is 'BLU1'? these are questions only a VBA programmer can ask.

    Also check your 'For loop'.

    In the For loop
    you step through each 'Route' in the name "CONSRouteID", you check for the value of FormulaR1C1 (If Route.FormulaR1C1 = "BLU1" Then) but, you do not make teh new value assignment ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 := "BLU01" (you only say ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "BLU01").

    Should this be ':= "BLU01"' instead of '= "BLU01"'?

    My 1 cent contribution which may not even have that value.

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