
I'm building an excel sheet that tags URL similar to the Google UTM URL builder for Google Analytics
I'm also adding a 'tracking worksheet' that lists all the URL as shown below. People only have to fill out the first 3 columns and the rest is done automatically except for the bit.ly part - hence why I'm posting here.

Start date End date Landing page w/ Tags Landing page Source Medium Campaign Bit.ly
http://www.domain.ca/en/?utm_source=newsletter_19-09-2013&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=whatever http://www.domain.ca/en/ newsletter_19-09-2013 email whatever ???

I found out that if I do a web query using: https://api-ssl.bitly.com/v3/shorten...token=XXXXXXXX I get a response which is a bit.ly link. Great! (More info at https://apigee.com/bitly/embed/console/bitly for anybody interested)

My question...how do I automate this in my excel sheet above so that when somebody creates a new row it will generate the bit.ly link? I'm ok with dragging down the "formula". longUrl= needs to be C2 in this case.