Dear all,
Have one problem, need to transport daily values of data (transpiration) to hourly data. I have more than 1000 days, so I need some quick way to do it.
Daily Variation.jpg
Colum A represent days, colum B data, so in column E there is hour and column F data, so at least I need to expand each value from column B to 24 column (for each hour) and divide the values by 24. Also the variation of transpiration have to have sinusoidal distribution over the day. Here is the procedure:
Variations in the potential transpiration rate during the day needs to be be generated using the assumption that hourly values of the potential transpiration rate between 0-6 a.m. and 18-24 p.m. represent 1% of the total daily value and that it has a sinusoidal shape during the rest of the day as follows:
So please can someone help me with this, note that I have a lot of data so the "manual" way it's just too long.
Please ask me if the post is understandable. Not a native speaker.
Thank you