Hello everyone,

I have the following macro that automatically filters a column which contains numbers from 1 to 200

ActiveSheet.Range("A9:A200).AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Array("2", "3","4"), Operator:=xlFilterValues
In the part Array("2", "3","4") it is contained the numbers to be filtered.

However I have a cell, let's say B1, that contains the array to be filtered, for example: "4","9","12" or any combination (this cell changes every time)

How can I instert this cell value (B1) in the macro so it filters the data B1 contains? I imagine something like:

ActiveSheet.Range("A9:A200).AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Array(Range("B1").Text), Operator:=xlFilterValues
Which is the correct form to do this?

Thanks a lot!!!