The following works for me in a test worksheet.
Please TEST this FIRST in a COPY of your workbook (always make a backup copy before trying new code, you never know what you might lose).
Before you use the macro with Excel 2007 or newer, save your workbook, Save As, a macro enabled workbook with the file extension .xlsm![]()
Option Explicit Sub movefailsV2() ' stanleydgromjr, 09/20/2013 ' Dim c As Range, nr As Long For Each c In Sheets("problems").Range("K5:K" & Cells(Rows.Count, "K").End(xlUp).Row) If c.Font.Color = vbRed Then nr = Sheets("prodfail").Range("K" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Row Rows(c.Row).Copy Sheets("prodfail").Range("A" & nr) End If Next c End Sub
Then run the movefailsV2 macro.