Try the following code (it is a generic solution supporting multiple copy instructions and multiple block types/templates)

Public Sub copyPowerBlocks()
On Error Resume Next

'# declare private variables
   Dim pvt_dct_Block As Object
   Dim pvt_obj_Range As Excel.Range
   Dim pvt_xls_Target As Excel.Worksheet
   Dim pvt_lng_MaxRow As Long
   Dim pvt_str_BlockName As String
   Dim pvt_lng_StartRow As Long
   Dim pvt_lng_RowNumber As Long
   Dim pvt_int_Repeat As Integer
   Dim pvt_lng_TargetRow As Long
   Dim pvt_lng_Offset As Long
'# initialise
   Set pvt_dct_Block = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
   Set pvt_xls_Target = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet3")
'# load the dictionary object with the named block ranges from worksheet 2
   With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2")
      pvt_lng_MaxRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row
      For pvt_lng_RowNumber = 2 To (pvt_lng_MaxRow + 1)
         If Len(.Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, "A").Value & "") > 0 Or pvt_lng_RowNumber > pvt_lng_MaxRow Then
            If Len(pvt_str_BlockName) > 0 Then
               pvt_dct_Block.Add pvt_str_BlockName, .Cells(pvt_lng_StartRow, "A").Resize((pvt_lng_RowNumber - pvt_lng_StartRow), 6)
            End If
            pvt_str_BlockName = Trim$(.Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, "A").Value)
            pvt_lng_StartRow = pvt_lng_RowNumber
         End If
      Next pvt_lng_RowNumber
   End With

'# clear the target worksheet
'# loop for the copy block instructions provided on the first worksheet
   With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
      For pvt_lng_RowNumber = 2 To .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
         If pvt_dct_Block.Exists(.Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, "A").Value) Then
         '# get the value of the hexadecimal offset -/- 4
            pvt_lng_Offset = Val("&H" & CStr(.Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, "B").Value)) - 4
         '# get the template block from the dictionary
            Set pvt_obj_Range = pvt_dct_Block(.Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, "A").Value)
         '# for the repeat count
            For pvt_int_Repeat = 1 To CInt(.Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, "C").Value)
            '# get the first available row on the target worksheet, include special processing for
            '# the first row
               pvt_lng_StartRow = pvt_xls_Target.Cells(pvt_xls_Target.Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Offset(1).Row
               If pvt_lng_StartRow = 2 Then pvt_lng_StartRow = 1
            '# copy the template block onto the target worksheet
               pvt_xls_Target.Cells(pvt_lng_StartRow, "A").Resize(pvt_obj_Range.Rows.Count, pvt_obj_Range.Columns.Count).Value = pvt_obj_Range.Value
            '# correct the offset values for the copied block
               With pvt_xls_Target
                  For pvt_lng_TargetRow = pvt_lng_StartRow To (pvt_lng_StartRow + pvt_obj_Range.Rows.Count)
                     If Len(.Cells(pvt_lng_TargetRow, "B")) > 0 Then
                        pvt_lng_Offset = pvt_lng_Offset + 4
                        .Cells(pvt_lng_TargetRow, "C").Value = Hex(pvt_lng_Offset)
                     End If
                  Next pvt_lng_TargetRow
               End With
            Next pvt_int_Repeat
         End If
      Next pvt_lng_RowNumber
   End With
End Sub