Very interesting Engineering question.
I think 'Monte Carlo' simulation would work well here. There is probably an
algorithmic approach to solving your problem, but it is beyond the scope of
my expertise. I thought about sorting the data according to 'deltas', but
it seems to me that random matching would probably yield better results.
Here is the approach I would take:
1. Randomize the 'hole sets' by serial number.
2. Randomize the 'shaft sets' by serial number.
3. Process the first 'hole set' in the randomized list.
4. Find the first 'shaft set' that is an 'acceptable fit' to the first 'hole set'.
An acceptable fit is where both hole-shaft deltas are:
[FitLowTolerance = tightest fit allowed] <= x <= [FitHiTolerance = loosest fit allowed]
5. If an 'acceptable fit' is found, determine a score for the 'shaft set'
to 'hole set' combination.
6. Save the matching items in the 'Match/No Match Data structure' detailed below.
7. If there are no 'acceptable fits', mark the 'hole set' as 'no match'.
8. Repeat steps 3-7 for the remainder of the 'hole sets'.
9. When all the 'hole sets' have been evaluated, add up the score for the simulation.
The results of the first simulation become the 'Strawman', and are saved in the
'Strawman' data structure, which is the same as the 'Match/No Match Data Structure'.
10. Repeat steps 1 thru 9 for the number of simulations you want to do.
If the score for a simulation is BETTER (LOWER) than the 'Strawman', that simulation
becomes the new 'Strawman'.
NOTE: If the are a different number of 'hole sets' and 'shaft sets' the
one with the smaller number should be in the outer loop. For example,
if there were 4 'hole sets' and 5 'shaft sets' use the algorithm as written
above. If the numbers were reversed, step 1 would be 'shaft sets'.
Match/No Match Data Structure:
1. Column A - Shaft Serial Number that matches Hole Serial Number
2. Column B - Hole Serial Number that matches Shaft Serial Number
3. Column C - Score for the matching Shaft-Hole combination
The sum of all the items in 'Column C' would be the score for one simulation.
Some definitions:
NominalHoleShaftDifference = NominalHoleSize - NominalShaftSize
Fit = HoleDelta - ShaftDelta + NominalHoleShaftDifference
Fit > 0 is a 'Clearance Fit'.
Fit <= 0 is an 'Interference Fit'
FitLowTolerance = tightest fit allowed
FitHiTolerance = loosest fit allowed
A couple of different possible Scoring Algorithms:
Method One:
1. The score for each 'acceptable fit' = Abs(Hole1Shaft1Delta) + Abs(Hole2Shaft2Delta)
2. The score for each 'unmatched item' is 100.0
3. The lowest Score for a simulation becomes the next 'Strawman'.
Method Two Sample (use your own weighting):
FitDelta = Abs(Hole1Shaft1Delta) + Abs(Hole2Shaft2Delta)
1. Score 20 for each 'acceptable fit' with 0.0000 <= FitDelta < 0.0005
2. Score 5 for each 'acceptable fit' with 0.0005 <= FitDelta < 0.0020
3. Score 1 for each 'acceptable fit' with 0.0020 <= FitDelta < 0.0050
4. Score 20 for each 'acceptable fit' with 0.0050 <= FitDelta < 0.0100
5. Score 40 for each 'acceptable fit' with 0.0100 <= FitDelta <= FitHiTolerance
6. The score for each 'unmatched item' is 1000
7. The lowest Score for a simulation becomes the next 'Strawman'.
VBA Random Numbers seem to be a difficult concept to follow. See the code
below (tested using Excel 2003) for samples of how to:
1. Generate a sequence of different random numbers 'almost' every time.
2. Generate a sequence of the same random numbers every time.
3. Generate a sequence of random integers from 10 <= x <= 16.
Testing Suggestions:
1. Use the same sequence of random numbers each time for initial software testing.
2. Use a small sample of 3 or 4 shafts and holes, for which you know the EXACT best answer.
3. Save the 'simulation number' of the 'Final Best Answer' to give you an idea of how many
simulations are required to generate a 'Best Fit'.
'Excel VBA generates random numbers as single precision (4 bytes = 32 bits)
'which generates approximately 7 digits worth of numbers 0 <= x < 1.
Sub GenerateRandomNumbersDifferentEachTime()
'This generates the a different set of random numbers almost every time.
'The sequence used is: Randomize(xSeed)
' Rnd
' ...
' Rnd
'To change the first random number, change the seed value
Dim i As Integer
Dim xSeed As Single
Dim x As Single
xSeed = 12345.1
Randomize (xSeed)
Debug.Print "Different sequence of Random numbers for seed " & xSeed & " started on " & Now
For i = 1 To 5
x = Rnd
Debug.Print i & Format(x, " 0.0000000")
Next i
End Sub
Sub GenerateRandomNumbersSameEachTime()
'This generates the same set of random numbers every time.
'The sequence used is: Rnd(-1)
' Randomize(xSeed)
' Rnd
' ...
' Rnd
'To change the first random number, change the seed value or change
'the 'Rnd(-1)' to a different negative number.
Dim i As Integer
Dim xSeed As Single
Dim x As Single
xSeed = 12345.1
Rnd (-1)
Randomize (xSeed)
Debug.Print "Same sequence of Random Numbers for seed " & xSeed & " started on " & Now
For i = 1 To 5
x = Rnd
Debug.Print i & Format(x, " 0.0000000")
Next i
End Sub
Sub GenerateRandomNumbersFromInteger10to16()
'This generates the a different set of integer random numbers in the range defined
'by 'iLowNumber' and 'iHiNumber'.
'The sequence used is: Randomize(xSeed)
' Rnd
' ...
' Rnd
'To change the first random number, change the seed value or change
'the 'Rnd(-1)' to a different negative number.
Const iLowNumber = 10
Const iHiNumber = 16
Dim i As Integer
Dim iNumber As Integer
Dim iNumberSpan As Integer
Dim xSeed As Single
Dim x As Single
xSeed = 12345.1
Randomize (xSeed)
Debug.Print "Generating a different sequence of Integer Random Numbers from " & iLowNumber; " to " & iHiNumber & "."
iNumberSpan = iHiNumber - iLowNumber + 1
For i = 1 To 25
x = Rnd
iNumber = Int(iNumberSpan * x) + iLowNumber
Debug.Print Format(i, "!@@@@@ ") & Format(iNumber, "!@@@@@")
Next i
End Sub