Hi Guys,
Help please, I am trying to format the data labels that appear on the piechart through vba. As the graph is autocreated via a macro I do not want to have to manually format the graph. I need to change the colour and make bold the data labels.
The current code is as follows.
With objChart.Chart
.ChartArea.AutoScaleFont = False
.ChartType = xl3DPieExploded
.SetSourceData Source:=Range("$G$2:$G$106,$R$2:$T$106")
.HasTitle = True
.ChartTitle.Characters.Text = "Chart to Show Percentage Cost per Project"
.ChartTitle.font.Bold = True
.ChartTitle.font.Size = 12
.ChartArea.Border.LineStyle = xlDashDot
.ApplyDataLabels Type:=xlDataLabelsShowLabelAndPercent
' Set Chart Background '
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 41
.PatternColorIndex = 1
.Pattern = xlSolid
End With
all and any help will as always be much appreciated.