Wonder if someone knows a way to do this, I'm using Excel 2007 (running on Windows 7):

- I have a single workbook with something like 173 or so tabs.
- Each tab has only Column A populated.
- On each tab, Column A is populated with anywhere from 1 to 30 (max) email addresses (it varies from tab to tab).
- There are no spaces between email adresses, that is, on a tab where there are 2 of them, they are in cells A1 and A2, etc.
- There are no headers of any kind.
- The result I need is a new tab with a single column that contains ALL of the email adresses (don't care if the individual tabs are erased or not).

I don't want to use consolidate since I don't want to have to select each tab and select the data...it'll take forever and I have other workbooks like this.

Might anyone know of a way to do this automatically?

I'll admit, I don't know ANYthing about vba, so if that's the solution, you'll have to be detailed and explicit (sorry about my ignorance).

Very appreciative in advance for any help,