Hi All,

I am a complete novice when it comes to programming so am in desperate need of help.

I work in a lab testing fuel on 12 hour shifts covering 365 days a year.

Currently one of my colleagues produces the shift rota by manually typing in both the calendar and the shift pattern every year. Very laborious task.

Is there a way to use either formulas, macros or vba to automatically generate this by typing a year, say '2013' into a box then the whole shift populating?

The pattern is: 2 days (the very first day of the sequence is always a tuesday), 2 nights, 4 off. This repeats 7 times when we get 18 days off (so the last block doesn't have the 4 days off). This pattern applies to 5 crews / teams from shift A to E.

I have tried looking for templates etc but after weeks of looking I can't find this pattern anywhere.

Any help would be so greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.