Hey Guys,

In need of some assistance. Basically, my objective is to get the list of files inside a particular directory. Directory includes many subfolders and inside those we again have 'n' number of folders. Am able to successfully get the file list if they in the parent or within 1-level subfolders. I need to get the list of files from 'n' number of levels of directory.

Sub ListFilesFromFolderAndSubFolders()
' http://vbaexpress.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10829&page=2
    Dim f As Object, fso As Object, flder As Object
    Dim extn As String, IsXLFile As Boolean
    Dim folder As String
    Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet
    Dim TotalFiles As Long, TotalFolders As Long
    Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
    Set ws = ActiveSheet
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
        If .SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then
        End If
        folder = .SelectedItems(1) 'vPath
    End With    
    For Each f In fso.GetFolder(folder).Files
        extn = Right(f.Name, Len(f.Name) - InStrRev(f.Name, "."))
        Select Case extn
            Case "xlsx": IsXLFile = True
            Case "xlsb": IsXLFile = True
            Case "xlsm": IsXLFile = True
            Case "xls": IsXLFile = True
            Case Else: IsXLFile = False
        End Select
        If IsXLFile = True And CDate(f.DateLastModified) >= CDate("8/11/2013 0:00:00") Then
            ws.Range("A" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = f.Path
        End If
    For Each flder In fso.GetFolder(folder).SubFolders
        For Each f In fso.GetFolder(flder.Path).Files
            extn = Right(f.Name, Len(f.Name) - InStrRev(f.Name, "."))
            Select Case extn
                Case "xlsx": IsXLFile = True
                Case "xlsb": IsXLFile = True
                Case "xlsm": IsXLFile = True
                Case "xls": IsXLFile = True
                Case Else: IsXLFile = False
            End Select
            'ws.Range("A" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = f.Name
            'ws.Range("C" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = Right(f.Name, Len(f.Name) - InStrRev(f.Name, "."))
            'ws.Range("C" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = CDate(f.DateLastModified)
            If IsXLFile = True And CDate(f.DateLastModified) >= CDate("8/11/2013 0:00:00") Then
                ws.Range("A" & ws.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = f.Path
            End If
End Sub

Thing is, I don't have pre-defined knowledge of how many levels it could be as it is defined by the users. With my above code, I know I'll have to repeat the loop for SubFolders and Files in them to the times the levels available. So I just need to know how many times, I'll have to loop or so..

Am very much fond of new thoughts and suggestions if something better hit your heads.. Open for thoughts!