Hi , as I have mentioned on previous posts, I am very new to all this and need some help if you can possibly spare 5 or 10 minutes.

I have written a macro that when I am pricing for a client, I click one button on the page and the following happens.

1. It saves the internal prices from the sheet called "internal" as a PDF, naming that PDF according to the data in cell "BD2".
2. It saves a PDF of the client prices from a sheet called "Client Quote" as a PDF, naming that PDF according to the data in cell "AY8"
3. It opens up a new mail in Notes, inserting TO: email and CC:emails. It then inserts a subject title, also taken from cell "AY8" and body text and signature from various cells within the workbook.

I have all of this bit working now.

I now need it to attach the client price PDF to the email also, but for the life of me I cant work out how to do that. I have tried recording macros and copying that code into this macro but I am completely lost.

Any help you can give me would be very much appreciated.

 Sub Save_and_email_PDF()
    Dim NSession As Object
    Dim NDatabase As Object
    Dim NUIWorkSpace As Object
    Dim NDoc As Object
    Dim NUIdoc As Object
    Dim WordApp As Object
    Dim subject As String
    Dim EmailAddress As String
    Dim s(1 To 21) As String
    subject = Worksheets("Client Quote").Range("AY8")
    EmailAddress = Worksheets("Client Quote").Range("ay10")
     'Debug.Print subject
    Set NSession = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
    Set NUIWorkSpace = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
    Set NDatabase = NSession.GETDATABASE("", "")
    If Not NDatabase.IsOpen Then NDatabase.OPENMAIL
    Set NDoc = NDatabase.CREATEDOCUMENT
    With NDoc
        .SendTo = EmailAddress
        .CopyTo = "test@test.com, " & "test1@test.com, " & "test2@test.com"
                .subject = subject
        s(1) = "Dear" & " " & Worksheets("internal").Range("j10")
        s(2) = ""
        s(3) = "Many Thanks for your enquiry"
        s(4) = ""
        s(5) = "Please find attached your quotation for your request" & " " & " : - " & "'" & Worksheets("internal").Range("j14") & "'"
        s(6) = ""
        s(7) = "If you would like to go ahead with this order, please let  me know and I will send you a template, artwork guidelines and  procedures for processing your order."
        s(8) = ""
        s(9) = "Kind Regards"
        s(10) = ""
        s(11) = Worksheets("sheet3").Range("a58")
        s(12) = Worksheets("sheet3").Range("a59")
        s(13) = ""
        s(14) = "Z-CARD® PocketMedia® Solutions"
        s(16) = ""
        s(17) = Worksheets("sheet3").Range("a61")
        s(18) = Worksheets("sheet3").Range("a62")
        s(19) = ""
        s(20) = "7-11 St. Johns Hill, London, SW11 1TN"
        s(21) = "The PocketMedia® Agency | www.zcard.co.uk"
        .body = Join(s, vbCrLf) & " "
        .Save True, False
    End With
    NUIWorkSpace.EDITDOCUMENT True, NDoc
    Set NDoc = Nothing
    Set WordApp = Nothing
    Set NSession = Nothing
        Worksheets("client quote").ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, _
        Filename:="C:\Users\joeellis\Desktop\Digital Quotes\Client Prices\" & _
        Worksheets("client quote").Range("AY8").Value & ".pdf", _
        ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, _
        Filename:="C:\Users\joeellis\Desktop\Digital Quotes\Internal Prices\" & _
        ActiveSheet.Range("BD2").Value & ".pdf", _
        End Sub