Excel 2007
Need to delete nearly all defined names from the active worksheet only. Worksheets can be named anything.
These two worksheets must be excluded from having any names deleted:
Also, I don’t want any ~system names deleted, so exclude:
(although Print_Area is the only one I’ve seen…)
I have been trying to get something like this working (from searching these and other forums):
Sub deleteinvalidnames()
Dim invalidname As name
Dim Ans As Integer
Dim Msg As String
For Each invalidname In ActiveWorkbook.Names
If invalidname.RefersToRange.Worksheet.name = ActiveSheet And _
Not invalidname.name Like "*Print_Area" And _
ActiveSheet.CodeName <> "Sheet1" And _
ActiveSheet.name <> "Summary" Then
Msg = invalidname.name & " = " & invalidname.RefersToRange.Address
Ans = MsgBox("Do you want to Delete/Rename: " & Msg, vbYesNo + vbInformation)
If Ans = vbYes Then invalidname.Delete
End If
Next invalidname
‘Then run other macro to create new names (this has no issues)…
End Sub
I’ve tried some mixes with:
Set ws = Activesheet
With ws
For each invalidname in ws.names
etc. but nothing seems to work.
I don’t really need to cycle through with each name, but I came across that code first and it looked like a good thing to have in while troubleshooting…
I would appreciate any advice as to how to proceed. Thank you.