I have created a UserForm with 5 ComboBoxes and 1 TextBox. For the ComboBoxes, the Enabled property is set to False and the Locked property is set to True. On initializing the UserForm, these properties on some of the ComboBoxes are changed based on the value of a cells in the worksheet. The user can now change the values in only the unlocked ComboBoxes and the TextBox.

I want to display the new values of only the ComboBoxes that are unlocked and the TextBox, so that the user can confirm their entries.

The message displayed should look like this:

The new values are:
ComboBox1 - Value1
ComboBox2 - Value2
TextBox - Value3

I can write the MsgBox statement so that the message is displayed as above, but all ComboBoxes are listed.

I would like to now if it is possible to display only the qualifying ComboBoxes in a MsgBox, and what the syntax MsgBox statement should be.

Any help would be appreciated.