Hi. My question is somehow related to another question I posted earlier today (see link). By the way, how do I add a link without this huge string? I've tried the icon above but it doesn't seem to work.
So here is the link: "http://www.excelforum.com/excel-formulas-and-functions/953870-how-to-identifying-specific-strings-in-a-column.html?p=3400160#post3400160"
The difference this time I need VBA code, for better flexibility:
I need matching pairs in column A like hai_a and a_hai (matching: if they have the same string in the opposite sides of =) to be written down in column B. As the file attached shows. But my code is not too good since I'll need to replace each time for examle "hai" with "bvr" (shown in the file) and so on. I'm trying to use a variable instead, inside the loop, so it'll look for - using my code - pairs..