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Combining 2 columns in different spreadsheets and creating all combinations

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    Combining 2 columns in different spreadsheets and creating all combinations

    I have a bit of a dilemma. So i have 2 spreadsheet and i created temporary sheets as the ones I am designing contain sensitive information. I've been a bit out of the loop when it comes to vba so here i am seeking help

    So i created a spreadsheet which contains a list of all presidents and i also created a 2nd spreadsheet which contains all states. As an example we have

    Barack Obama
    George Bush
    Bill Clinton
    George Bush
    Ronald Reagan

    Next we have states

    What the results that I am looking for is combining the sheets or creating some code by which i could produce the following results.

    AlabamaBarack Obama
    AlabamaGeorge Bush
    AlabamaBill Clinton
    AlabamaGeorge Bush
    AlabamaRonald Reagan
    TexasBarack Obama
    TexasGeorge Bush
    TexasBill Clinton
    TexasGeorge Bush
    TexsaRonald Reagan

    Please help as I am stuck
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