Good afternoon All,

I am a macro dunce so would be grateful for any help on getting this to work! I have tried searching the t'interweb but can't find the answer I need!

I am trying to copy and paste from one spreadsheet to another (from lots of different pages) - have written that bit of code!

I have named the spreadsheet with the macro in and where the data is being pasted so that I can just refer to it as Supajournal when I moving between the 2 files using the following code.

Supajournal = ActiveWorkbook.Name

I want to activate the file I am copying from by referencing a cell in C8 on a page in the Supajournal - this file has to be open because I need to press F9 to update the links in it before I copy and paste.

As the file name will change regularly, I just want to update it on the spreadsheet and not in the macro. I have tried using

Dim strFName As String

strFName = Sheet1.Range("C13").Value
Workbooks.Activate Filename:=strFName

but this doesn't work!

I need to know how to activate this file!

How can I move between workbooks using the cell reference rather than the full file name?

Thank you,
Mrs F