Hi, Mrs F,

that´s why I stated that the name in the cell must look like MyCopyBook.xlsx.
I need to move between the workbooks
Be assured that you need not to move. That´s the way the macro recorder works but we all know that this code could be reworked.

You would need to adjust the names of the sheets for this as well as the ranges:
Sub sample()
Dim wbThis As Workbook
Dim wbThat As Workbook
Dim wsFrom As Worksheet
Dim wsTo As Worksheet

Set wbThis = ThisWorkbook
Set wsTo = wbThis.Sheets("Result")

On Error Resume Next
Set wbThat = Workbooks(wbThis.Sheets("Data").Range("C13").Value)
On Error GoTo 0
If wbThat Is Nothing Then
  MsgBox "Can´t find '" & wbThis.Sheets("Data").Range("C13").Value & "' within the workbooks of this instance!"
  Exit Sub
End If
Set wsFrom = wbThat.Sheets("Raw Data")

wsTo.Range("A4").Value = wsFrom.Range("A1").Value
wsTo.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = wsFrom.Range("B1").Value

Set wsFrom = Nothing
Set wbThat = Nothing
Set wsTo = Nothing
Set wbThis = Nothing
End Sub
No switching between the workbooks/sheets is necessary.
