I am creating a UserForm for users to complete to create a new account. I have the following boxes in my form:
The code below runs on exiting the AccNumberTextBox.
The line "ChkType = AccTypeDescrComboBox.Value" results in a Compile Error: Variable not found - "AccTypeDescrComboBox" is highlighted.
The line "ChkNr = AccNumberTextBox.Value" results in a Run-time error 13: Type mismatch - "AccNumberTextBox" is highlighted.
The runtime error only occurred after I added the section starting at "If IsNull(Me.AccNumberTextBox.Value) Then". Before that there were no runtime error.
I need help with:
1) As what must I define the variable "AccTypeDescrComboBox"?
2) How do I check that "AccNumberTextBox is not empty?
I would appreciate any suggestions you may have.
Option Explicit
Private Sub AccNumberTextBox_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim ChkType As String
Dim ChkNr As Long
Dim Ulimit As Long
Dim Llimit As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim lRow As Long
ChkType = AccTypeDescrComboBox.Value
ChkNr = AccNumberTextBox.Value
Ulimit = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(AccTypeCodeComboBox.Value, Sheets("Lists").Range("A7:D19"), 4, False)
Llimit = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(AccTypeCodeComboBox.Value, Sheets("Lists").Range("A7:D19"), 3, False)
If IsNull(Me.AccNumberTextBox.Value) Then
MsgBox ("You must enter a Number in this field")
Exit Sub
End If
If Not IsNumeric(AccNumberTextBox.Value) Then
MsgBox ("You must enter a Number in this field")
Exit Sub
End If
If ChkNr < Llimit Or ChkNr > Ulimit Then
MsgBox ("You have entered an Account Number that is not in the allowable range for the Type of Account you have selected. For an Account Type of " & ChkType & ", you must enter an Account number between " & Llimit & " and " & Ulimit & ". Please enter a new Account Number.")
AccNumberTextBox.Value = ""
Exit Sub
End If
lRow = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count + 11
For i = 12 To lRow
If ChkNr = Range("D" & i).Value Then
MsgBox ("You have entered an Account Number which already exists!")
Exit Sub
End If
Next i
End Sub