I have to pull information from various files and reference where that information was obtained for hundreds of documents/files a day and I would like a way to be able to quickly create a hyperlink to another file or worksheet based on the contents of a cell using "Alt+Q" keyboard shortcut. Any file that I will need to create a hyperlink to will be in the same file folder as the excel file I would be working in.

For Example: I have an open excel workbook and want to create hyperlinks to a word doc and pdf file which are in the same folder as the active excel file. The word docs File name is "EF303 ABC Co. Financials.docx" and the PDF file is "EF304 DCD Regulations.pdf". I would like to be able to create a hyperlink in the excel file by typing EF303 into any cell and when I press the keyboard shortcut "Alt+Q” excel automatically searches the file folder the active workbook is saved under, locates the file, and creates a hyperlink to the file in the cell containing "EF303" without changing EF303 to the entire file name. Each file will have a unique WP reference (i.e. A1, A-01, 303.1.3.A, etc,). I have been trying to do this for a long time now and in each instance I have failed epically. Any help would be most appreciated.