Hello All,
I have 12 checkboxes in a userform. I want to be able to select all 12 checkboxes if needed. Based on which chexboxes are selected, I want to call a specific macro. Since I want to be able to select more than one checkbox, I need the code to loop until all cases have been checked and executed. I cannot seem to get the attached code to call the macros. When I run the code, I do not get any errors, but nothing happens. Any ideas?
Option Explicit
Private Sub Graph_Click()
Unload Chart_Selection
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
' Which Option Button Was Selected (Vessel, Infuser, Blender, or PDA)?
If Sheets("DT").Range("D1") = True Then ' References an option button from a different Userform
' Which Chart Do You Want To Graph?
Dim chartname As String
Dim chk As Control
For Each chk In Me.Controls
If TypeOf chk Is CheckBox Then
If chk.Value = True Then
Select Case UCase(chk.ControlTipText)
Case "CRT"
chartname = "Circulating Rates"
Call Type_1_Chart(chartname)
Case "IRT"
chartname = "Injection Rates"
Call Type_2_Chart(chartname)
Case "Acid"
chartname = "Acid"
Call Type_2_Chart(chartname)
Case "SRT"
chartname = "SRT"
Call Type_2_Chart(chartname)
Case "MF"
chartname = "Minifrac"
Call Type_2_Chart(chartname)
End Select
End If
End If
Next chk
I have an elseIf statement that follows this code, but I figured if I can get this portion to work correctly then I could figure the rest out. I did not feel it was necessary to include all 12 of the checkboxes in the above sample code.
Be gentle, I'm new to VBA.