We have a data entry system which spits out Excel Reports each week. Since the system is creating the Excel files new, I cannot use Track Changes to find updates to the document.
Is there a way to compare 2 Excel Files, and find differences between the two documents?
Challenges are:
1) Multiple tabs need compared. Tab 1 would need compared to Tab 1. Tab 2 would need compared to Tab 2
2) New rows of information may be added to the document, so I would need to know what is new
3) Rows might have been removed, so I would need to know which rows are no longer there
4) Each cell from Z to AQ would need compared for changes
5) Since items might be added or removed, this isn't a row for row compare, however Column A contains a unique value (Project Number), so I'm comparing Project Number to Project Number for each of column Z to AQ between the two documents.
Currently the document has 9 tabs which need compared for changes, and each tab may contain about 200 rows of information for compare.
Does Excel have any functionality to handle this?