:-D yeah i can imagine, should have posted a little manual with it, sorry guys:
here is the thing, if you click the first button which is copied there i believe twice, it triggers the first menu, where you select desired fields for the headers, than send it, you get another userform where there is only the list you´ve chosen, you can click through all of it to select proper formating and order of the fields (if you click lets say "tituly" another userform pops up - this one populates the global variables; here you select at what place the header should be and with what format and click "OK" this sets the variables and paste the value in cells - that paste is just for now since im not able to execute the code I´d love to as mentioned above) and that´s it.....just when you have set all the fields dont send the remaining userform or you get another error cause it goes to word app and does some more tricks there.....the thing is in the last sheet ("krit") there is the outcome of the users choice
EDIT: if you´re looking at the end of the code of setting those variables there are few if´s those are there first to copy the values at proper cell and the match function is there to prevent repetition (when for example you´ve set the format and then decide to change it, so that was my try on correcting the outcome in the field) but since the match is not working i´m unable to decide if there is already an entry with defined value or not.
EDIT2: just to say where my issue pops up, its at the part where you try to set first set of variables (frm_order - userform; when you try to send it with OK it fails on the match function which is checking the repetition as explained above) - that´s for the sample i´ve provided
also another thing i wanted to say: at first fill up its empty (the columns to search within) so i thought it fails on null and therefore i made a errhandling routine to get over it and to be able to record outcomes in debut.print and so even after i had some values to go through for the match function it still didnt work and only 0 were recorded (which signinfies "no match" result)