Greetings all!

My wife tasked me with creating a spreadsheet for us to work with our online students. We have new students starting all of the time, so they can be anywhere in the course at any moment. She wants one page for the oral quiz for each chapter, with an assortment of questions to choose from. Since we also need to discuss how they are doing in the class, she would like each page to also have a place for that information. I can concatenate all of the junk that would be output into something looking like this (Html line breaks included on purpose):

Student, Joe<br>Module 1 DBA<br>09/02/13<br>t1 (10/10)<br>t3 (10/10)<br>t6 (10/10)<br>t8 (10/10)<br>t10 (10/10)<br><br>50/50<br><br>Mr. Reifsneider<br><Br>09/02/13<br>Monthly call with:<br>Student<br>mom<br><br>Current course metrics:<br>Grade: 90, % complete: 45, Weeks Active: 6, Last Assignment: 08/30/13, assignments remaining: 18 <br>Comments: <br>

That was prepared using this formula:
Formula: copy to clipboard
=IF(F2=FALSE,"",D1&", "&C1&"<br>"&IF(F3=TRUE,"Attempted ","")&A3&"<br>"&TEXT(F1,"mm/dd/yy")&"<br>"&G5&G6&G7&G8&G9&G10&G11&G12&G13&G14&"<br>"&H16&"/"&I16&"<br><br>"&H1)&IF(N1=FALSE,"",G18)

along with another formula for the contact part (G18).

The one thing that I am smashing my head against the wall on is how to take that output stuff from the quiz page, and save it on the log sheet page, with a new row for each quiz completed. I had done something similar from a userform which worked great, but that makes it so that we cannot jump between spreadsheets. Here is how I did it from the userform (the me.Output.value was for the same kind of stuff put into a text box called Output):

Private Sub output_Change()
Set ws = Worksheets("Sheet2")
rRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
ws.Cells(rRow, 1).Value = Me.Output.Value


End Sub
When I tried to put the stuff from my cell into a variable (M1Out), and then pass that to my log sheet, it does not seem to do anything at all.

Public Sub Mod1Out()
    Dim M1Out As String
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
        :=False, Transpose:=False
    M1Out = Range("R2").Value
End Sub

Private Sub output1()
Set ws = Worksheets("LogSheet ")
rRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
ws.Cells(rRow, 1).Value = M1Out


End Sub
If anyone has any ideas, I would greatly appreciate them. In the interim, we can copy and paste them from the page as is into our other systems. It would just be nice to have an independent set of records.

Spreadsheet attached.
