Hi all,

I´ve just a problem while copying the range from on to another worksheet.
The Problem ist, the source range is dynamic, so it increases if common criteria in the cells match.
I´m a vba noob, so be merciful with me. The actual code is an mixture of code shunks

For i = 0 To rTestRng.Count - 1
    strAction = decideAction(CStr(rColP1.Offset(i, 0)), CStr(rColP2.Offset(i, 0)))
    If strAction <> 0 Then
        k = k + 1
        iTab2Row = WS2.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row
        If iTab2Row < rTab2.row Then iTab2Row = rTab2.row
            Select Case strAction
                Case "copyLine"
                        WS1.Range((WS1.Cells(rColP1.row, 1)), WS1).Copy
                        WS2.Range(WS2.Cells(iTab2Row, rTab2.Column)).Paste 
                 Case "X"
                     'not defined upto now
                 Case "Y"
                     ' 'not defined upto now
              End Select
         End If
Next i

End Sub
hopefully somebody can introduce , how I fix these problem.
