I looking for a way to scan the barcode for the product number, the lot number and Expiration date and have Excel populate columns in the spread sheet. The first problem is that the only way I can get the barcode to read in excel is to format the cell as text. The first Code 128 bar code contains the product number but the product number is in the middle of the code. For example the first barcode reads 0130382902212615
I only need the numbers in red. This would populate one column.
The second barcode contains the Lot number and the Expiration date.
The lot number is in Blue and the Epiration date is in Green. These would populate 2 other columns. I would also like to convert the date from yymmdd into something a little easier to read such as mm/dd/yy.
I believe that the 10 and the 17 are constant dividers for these barcodes.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciatied.