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Combining mutiple IF and CountIF statements to help sort data

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    Post Combining mutiple IF and CountIF statements to help sort data

    I have a large spreadsheet with a quarters worth of financial transactions. One of the columns contains a description, which is overly complicated and mostly irrelevant. What I would like to have is an additional column that can search for keywords within the descriptions column and then output the relevant text to the new column. So I guess, grouping several description keywords into group. I can then filter on the new group names far easier.

    For example one description reads “OS PAYPAL,processed on 29.07.13” all I am bothered with is the PAYPAL detail in this line and it needs to be translated in the new column to TAKINGS

    I have managed to put together the following VB, which works great, however it outputs the keywords to different columns. I have tried putting the .Formula statements within the same With/End With group but only the last run .Formula sticks in the correct column.

    My question is, can all of these Ifs/CountIFs be added into one .Formula, or is there a better way of doing it?

    Sub Sorting()
        With Range("G1:G16357").Offset(, 5)
            .Formula = "=IF(COUNTIF(RC[-5],""*test1*"")+COUNTIF(RC[-5],""*test2*"")+COUNTIF(RC[-5],""*test3*"")+COUNTIF(RC[-5],""*test4*"")+COUNTIF(RC[-5],""*test5*"")+COUNTIF(RC[-5],""*test6*""),""TAKINGS"","""")"
        End With
        With Range("G1:G16357").Offset(, 6)
            .Formula = "=IF(COUNTIF(RC[-6],""*test7*"")+COUNTIF(RC[-6],""*test8*"")+COUNTIF(RC[-6],""*test9*""),""great"", """")"
        End With
        With Range("G1:G16357").Offset(, 7)
          .Formula = "=IF(COUNTIF(RC[-7],""*bon*""),""BON"","""")"
        End With
        With Range("G1:G16357").Offset(, 8)
            .Formula = "=IF(COUNTIF(RC[-8],""*income*""),""INCOME"","""")"
        End With
        With Range("G1:G16357").Offset(, 9)
            .Formula = "=IF(COUNTIF(RC[-9],""*paye*""),""PAYE"","""")"
        End With
        With Range("G1:G16357").Offset(, 10)
            .Formula = "=IF(COUNTIF(RC[-10],""*Payroll*""),""Payroll"","""")"
        End With
    End Sub
    Last edited by frekemeister; 08-28-2013 at 07:33 AM.

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