If you could help me with my problem anaylising multiple cells at the same time, i would be appreciated.
Here's what i mean from the code i have.
Option Base 1
Sub userDef()
Dim cNum As Long
Dim stColArray(), lstColArray() As Variant
Dim cRowArray(), cColArray() As Variant
Dim cSel, rSel As Range
Dim rw, col, j, mvSt1, mvEnd1, mvSt2, mvEnd2 As Integer
j = 1
cNum = Application.InputBox("Number of columns:")
ReDim rStArray(cNum)
ReDim stColArray(cNum)
ReDim lstColArray(cNum)
ReDim cRowArray(cNum)
ReDim cColArray(cNum)
For c = 1 To cNum
Set rSel = Application.InputBox("Select " & c & " table(s)", Type:=8)
Set cSel = Application.InputBox("Select " & c & " cell(s) of " & c & " table", Type:=8)
If rSel Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No cell selected"
Exit Sub
stColArray(j) = rSel.Column
lstColArray(j) = rSel.Columns(rSel.Columns.Count).Column
cRowArray(j) = cSel.Row
cColArray(j) = cSel.Column
j = j + 1
End If
Next c
j = 1
x = 1
y = 2
rw = cRowArray(j)
a = Math.Round(Cells(rw, cColArray(x)).Value, 2)
d = Math.Round(Cells(rw + 1, cColArray(x)).Value, 2)
mvSt1 = stColArray(x)
mvEnd1 = lstColArray(x)
b = Math.Round(Cells(rw, cColArray(y)).Value, 2)
c = Math.Round(Cells(rw + 1, cColArray(y)).Value, 2)
mvSt2 = stColArray(y)
mvEnd2 = lstColArray(y)
stDevAB = Math.Sqr((((b - ((b + a) / 2)) ^ 2) + ((a - ((b + a) / 2)) ^ 2)) / 2)
stDevAC = Math.Sqr((((c - ((c + a) / 2)) ^ 2) + ((a - ((c + a) / 2)) ^ 2)) / 2)
stDevBA = Math.Sqr((((a - ((a + b) / 2)) ^ 2) + ((b - ((a + b) / 2)) ^ 2)) / 2)
stDevBD = Math.Sqr((((d - ((d + b) / 2)) ^ 2) + ((d - ((d + b) / 2)) ^ 2)) / 2)
stErrAB = stDevAB / Math.Sqr(2)
stErrAC = stDevAC / Math.Sqr(2)
stErrBA = stDevBA / Math.Sqr(2)
stErrBD = stDevBD / Math.Sqr(2)
If a > 0 And b > 0 Then
chisqrAB = ((b - a) - 0.05) ^ 2 / a
p_val_AB = WorksheetFunction.ChiDist(chisqrAB, 1)
chisqrAC = ((c - a) - 0.05) ^ 2 / a
p_val_AC = WorksheetFunction.ChiDist(chisqrAC, 1)
chisqrBA = ((a - b) - 0.05) ^ 2 / b
p_val_BA = WorksheetFunction.ChiDist(chisqrBA, 1)
chisqrBD = ((d - b) - 0.05) ^ 2 / b
p_val_BD = WorksheetFunction.ChiDist(chisqrBD, 1)
End If
If a > 0 And stDevAB > stDevAC And stErrAB > stErrAC And p_val_AB < p_val_AC Then
For col = mvSt1 To mvEnd1
Cells(rw, col).Insert shift:=xlDown
Next col
ElseIf b > 0 And stDevBA > stDevBD And stErrBA > stErrBD And p_val_BA < p_val_BD Then
For col = mvSt2 To mvEnd2
Cells(rw, col).Insert shift:=xlDown
Next col
End If
If rw > 5 And b = 0 Then
y = y + 1
rw = cRowArray(j) - 1
End If
If rw > 5 And b = 0 And y > cNum Then Exit Sub
rw = rw + 1
GoTo nxtChk
End Sub
I've attached the sample workbook too.
Variable a and d will be the fixed from the first selected cell.
Variable b and c will have values from the other selected cells which i want to compare against a and d.
If you have 3 selected cells the comparision i want is cell 1 vs cell 2 and cell 1 vs cell 3 all at the same time so that the line that will be inserted will be equally distribuited.
Thanks for your patience.