Hi there. I've got a line chart that has years on the X axis that go from 2013 to 2078. I don't always want to show the chart going to 2078 though. Instead, based on a value I enter in cell F5, I'd like the X axis to end at a certain year.
In column E, I have the years 2013 through 2078 going from row 14 to row 79. In columns F and G from row 14 to row 79, I have sets of values that make up the line chart (there are two lines, one made from data in column F and one made from data in column G). In cell E3, I have a place to enter a person's age. In cell I14, I have "=E3", and then in cell I15 I have the formula "=The cell above this one +1" so that if the person were 30 in 2013, they'd be 31 in 2014, 32 in 2015, and so on until cell I79 in which they are 95.
What I want to do is to make it so that if I enter "42" in cell F5 and then push a command button to trigger the macro, this will cause the last year on the graph to be 2025 because the person would be 42 in 2025. In addition to that, I'd want the graph to automatically remove all data labels on the chart and then add a data label to the last (furthest into the future) data point on each line. In this example, there would be a data label that had the data of cell F26 for the first line and a data label that had the data of cell G26 for the second line since row 26 is the row where the person is 42 and the year is 2025.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!