Ok, so Im trying to do something like this..
Dim the workbook as a different name
Open the workbook, then assign the workbook variable
Still can't get it to work though
I'm thinking that perhaps "ThisWorkbook" is not the correct command to use repeatedly?
Dim BillCalcs As Workbook
Set BillCalcs = ThisWorkbook
Dim MEWBC As String
Dim MEWBP As String
MEWBC = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.xls*), *.xls*", Title:="Where is CURRENT Mth Wkbk")
MEWBP = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.xls*), *.xls*", Title:="Where is PRIOR Mth Wkbk")
Dim wbC As Workbook
Dim wbP As Workbook
Workbooks.Open (MEWBC), UpdateLinks:=0
Set wbC = ThisWorkbook
Workbooks.Open (MEWBP), UpdateLinks:=0
Set wbP = ThisWorkbook
Workbooks(wbC).Activate 'code executes up to this point, and then stops with the debugger highlighting this line
Sheets("A.4 Engagement Summary").Select
range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
I've tried substituting the "workbooks" command with "windows" but that also doesn't work. Eg. "Windows(BillCalcs).Activate"