Hope you can help me out once again!
The attached workbook contains several master named Event_final, 3 worksheets which are dummy templates, and one named Choices which is used to derive the data validation in b2-u2 of the Event_final worksheet.
In the Event_final worksheet rows b1-u1 are headings and then the drop downs.
Underneath each drop down there are a variable amounts of cells containing various bits and bobs.
What I can't seem to find or do, is.... a) make a new spreadsheet for each column, called whatever is the column title (b1-u1), b) copy whatever template identified in the corresponding drop down box to that new sheet (b2-u2), and c) and then populate each new worksheet with the corresponding column contents starting at say cell B2 on each of the new sheets.
I have attached a workbook with only 2 examples of the required output...(red tabs...see file named samplemore), but obviously I would like the remaining worksheet to be also generated!!!
Hope this make sense, and thanks for looking.