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Updating a pivot table with VBA from Drop down list (1st item doesn't work)

  1. #1
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    Updating a pivot table with VBA from Drop down list (1st item doesn't work)

    Good evening guys,

    I ran across this post http://www.excelforum.com/excel-prog...ell-value.html

    It was just close to what I needed to do so I combined the piece that TJ had put together. This is what I've come up with.
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    As you can see I'm sure Sheet1!C1 as the reference. That cell is a Data validation styled list. When I select anything on the sheet it works, with the exception of the first item.

    I've tried renaming the item, I've tried hardcoding the 1st value in and still a NO GO.

    I'm getting a Run-time error 1004
    Unable to set the Visible property of the PivotItem class.

    Please advise,
    p.s. by no means am I a coder, I typically logical.

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor codeslizer's Avatar
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    Re: Updating a pivot table with VBA from Drop down list (1st item doesn't work)

    Hi Tray,

    Basically what are you trying to achieve? It seems you want to use drop-down list to update the pivot table.. but what you wish to update in the pivot table and from where you'll get that criteria or logic? Is it the value, the fields, the filter or basically the source of the pivot? The given cOdE shows me the fields, is it like, you wish to see only a fixed field among the list of fields in pivot table?

    To hide or unhide the rows, we basically use the following statements:

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    cOdEsLiZeR - Back after a long break.. Let's sLiZe some more cOdEs!!

  3. #3
    Forum Contributor codeslizer's Avatar
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    Re: Updating a pivot table with VBA from Drop down list (1st item doesn't work)

    Read over your post again and thought if this is what you've been trying to look for. Following is a generic code that can be applied to any pivot table to get the filtered result. It takes in a few arguments like Worksheet, Name of the Pivot Table, Field name and the conditional value.

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    I have used the same method in Worksheet_Change() event to trigger the macro whenever I make changes in Range("C1")
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    See if this meets your requirements.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Updating a pivot table with VBA from Drop down list (1st item doesn't work)

    Hey codeslizer,

    This is really close, I like that it's "generic". That will help when I go to adapt it for "actual" application. Ran into a snag. Once again I'll remind, I'm not a coder. But I'm typically pretty good at looking at code figuring out how to change it.

    So the snag I ran into is that my pull down box will be different sheet than my pivottable. This is how I adapted your code. Of course it doesn't work. lol.

    Am I close?
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    Is my logic even close. The above section basically says, If I do something in "C1" Then create a variable with the following info "PivotData","PivotTable1","Assessments", and the value in the C1 cell.

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    This section first takes the "chain" that we made in the other code and FilterFields, I breaks it down into small "chunks" and tells the system what each chunk is, in this example most are "strings" aka text.

    Then it makes a "new" variable called pvtField that is basically ending up as PivotData.PivotTable1.Assessments

    Then it accesses that pivottable at the above location and does the following operations. sets orientation (What is that), sets the current position to 1 (I'm assuming that 1, first position, 0 is not first position?), It clears all "values" under the assessment filter.

    Then the If statement. I'm really confused by this one...... could you explain this a little?

    I'm a want-a-be coder. lol


  5. #5
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    Re: Updating a pivot table with VBA from Drop down list (1st item doesn't work)

    Ok I found my one problem and ended up with another. I had it labeled "Workbooks" instead of the proper Worksheets

    So the problem. The first item in the list is still giving me an error and I'm racking my brains to figure it out.

  6. #6
    Forum Contributor codeslizer's Avatar
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    Red face Re: Updating a pivot table with VBA from Drop down list (1st item doesn't work)

    Quote Originally Posted by tray262 View Post
    I ran into is that my pull down box will be different sheet than my pivottable.
    Am I close?
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    Yes, you are. The implementation remains same only need to provide valid references. So if I say, let "FilterSheet" be the sheet where you have the filter and "PivotData" is the sheet where we have the PivotTable, then you'll have to first track where you'll be making the change..?? That's "Filtersheet" sheet's Range("C1") of course.. yes, so will have to write the code in this sheet's Change event. I believe that's what you've done. So, +1 point buddy!!

    Now, to adapt the changes, you'll have to keep track of two things - mainly Worksheet name and Range that we'll be providing. Before that, a brief introduction to the generic code's parameters:

    1. sht As Worksheet - This is the sheet where the Pivot table resides. So in this case, its "PivotData"
    2. PvtTABName as String - Is the name of the PivotTable. To get the name, select the Pivot table. You'll see two new tabs "Options" and "Design" has appeared at the end of the ribbon with a heading "PivotTable Tools", just click "Options". You'll find the pivot table name on the first left field.
    3. FieldName as String - Is the name of the field (basically where you wish to perform the filter). In this case is "Assessments" column. Btw, Fields are columns and rows are records.. just FYI.
    4. Finally FilterString As String - is the string based on which you want to perform the filtering. In my attached example, these were the values of "Assessments" column/field.

    Now, let see how the macro is gonna work for you. Firstly, as you'll be making changes to the sheet which is not containing the PivotTable, we'll first have to get to the sheet where we have the Pivot Table. So for that, will do..
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    Well, it seems I and the computer is now on the same sheet. So, now I need to direct the computer to the column on which I need to perform the operation. I know where it is, as I have its address.. so I'll create a PivotField variable to hold the location by using the following statement..
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    Now even computer is holding the same address, so what are we waiting for..? Lets do the operations!
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    1. Orientation basically defines location of the field/column. You might have seen Four sections on the Field List pane. Report filter is what we use for filtering purposes - which is what we have used in the example too. This property returns or sets the xlPivotFieldOrientation Enumeration which are xlPageField also 3 (Filter), xlRowField also 1 (Row Labels), xlDataField also 4 (Values), xlColumnField also 2 (Column Labels), and xlHidden also 0 (Not visible or checked).
    2. Alright, now let's walkthrough .Position = 1. It simply tells the computer to perform the defined check before any other. You might seen in the pivot rows section that the first item in the row gets first highlighted and becomes the root of any other nodes that comes after it.
    3. ClearAllFilters is a piece of code to make sure no filters are applied before I put any filter on the pivot fields.
    4. And now, the finale.. basically, just .CurrentPage = FilterString would do, but am making sure if no filter is provided then pivot needs to come back to normal. In other words, apply filter only if there is any condition applied, if not, make it normal.

    Hope that clears all working of my codes..
    Here's the updated code for the FilterFields
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    and for FilterSheet's worksheet change event..
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    Please note, am using Sheet3 or can use Sheets("PivotData") to run the macro. Earlier you were getting error coz it was ActiveSheet which means "FilterSheet" and there we had no Pivot table so you were getting the error. Attaching the reworked sample file for your references.

    P.S. you can use Application.ScreenUpdating = False to avoid flickering and set it back to True when done running macro. Google about it you will find it handy in use.
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