Let me try to explain more clearly...
Once I execute the code, at a certain point I want it to pause until it receives a mouse click on a chart from the user (which would activate that chart), and then proceed with the rest of the instructions.
I've done a fair bit of research in the last two evenings, and have not yet found an example that shows code this general. It's always "exit sub if no chart was selected prior to executing the sub", or "set mychart equal to a known chart, and activate it (if not already active) before proceeding." In my case, I do not want to hardwire a known chart in the code, but rather, wait for the user to select a chart with a mouse click, and use that action as the chart selection to pass to "ActiveChart".
Again, if you have a coding example of this type of thing, or you know this to be beyond the capabilities of VBA, please post!