Ah sorry about the misunderstanding, I thought the "TOTAL" cell was giving you the wrong value, I didn't realise that you were referring to the "Calculate Total" button.
In that case, change the subroutine to reset the purchase order (if you decided to use it) to
Private Sub ResetPO()
Dim i As Integer
If Sheet4.Range("Shipping").Row > 19 Then
For i = 19 To Sheet4.Range("Shipping").Row - 1
Next i
End If
End Sub
and change the Calculate Total subroutine to
Sub PO_CalcTotal()
Dim i As Long
For i = 15 To Sheet4.Range("Shipping").Row - 1
Sheet4.Cells(i, 11).Formula = "=A" & i & "*J" & i
Next i
Sheet4.Cells(Sheet4.Range("VendorName").Row - 1, 11).Formula = "=SUM(K15:K" & Sheet4.Range("VendorName").Row - 2 & ")"
End Sub
Hope this works now