Hi, I wonder whether someone may be able to help me please.
I was very fortunate to receive some help from @AB33 in putting together the script below:
The script looks at column E of the 'Source' ("AllData") sheet for two values, either "Enhancements" or "DIR". When it finds these, it then creates a unique distinct list and copies the data to column B of the applicable 'Destination' sheet (either "Enhancements" or "Direct Activities").
In addition it sums a 'Manhour' figure from column I of the 'Source' sheet and places this under the relevant monthly column heading in the 'Destination' sheet.
I'm now hoping that I may be able to change this a little by inserting two extra columns (C and D) to the 'Destination' sheets. Column C will now become the ID number and pulls the data from column F on the 'Source' sheet, and Column D will become the 'LOB' which pulls the data from column B on the 'Source' sheet. The current "Monthly" columns will then shift 2 columns to the right.
The code works perfectly, but I'm relatively new to VB, and although I understand some, I don't understand all of the code.
I've spent a few days on this, but I've not been able to find a solution. I just wondered whether someone may be able to look at this please and offer some guidance on how I may go about achieving this. If at all possible, and I hope this doesn't sound too presumptuous, but if someone could help me, could they please insert some comments into the code, because I'm keen to learn.
I appreciate that my explanation may not be particularly clear, so please find a link to my file here https://www.dropbox.com/s/2u6dvht11m...0-%20Home.xlsm. If you could please click on the button on the "Macros" page, it will extract the data to the "Enhancements" and "Direct Activities" sheets.
I have also included another sheet which is the proposed new layout.
Many thanks and kind regards