New to VBA coding, and hoping for some direction please!
I have a Workbook with 4 sheets, which is basically a score card, 2 sheets for 2 teams competing. (Sheets named I1 to I4)
Basically, each team has 2 innings, and the match could end on sheet 3 or 4 depending if one team fails to beat the others score from 2 innings
Scenario 1:
Sheet I1 - Team A scores 500
Sheet I2 - Team B scores 250. There is a threshold that if they fail to get within 200 they must compete again, so:
Sheet I3 - Team B scores 200. So, they still failed to match 500 adding the 2 scores together.
Sheet I4 in this scenario is now redundant as Team A won.
What I want to do in this case, is have some code, that checks if cell N15 on sheet I3 states the letter 'Y' (based on formulas on the sheet that have worked out the game is over), and if 'Y' is present, it writes 'Y' (also to denote game over) to cell N15 on sheet I4 (If that cell states 'Y' then other things are written to the sheet)
In Scenario 2:
Sheet I1 - Team A scores 250
Sheet I2 - Team B scores 300
Sheet I3 - Team A scores 350
Sheet I4 - Team B scores 250 BUT the game ended as a draw (complicated rules - the game is Cricket!!) as Team B were still 'In' at the end of the time period so I need to manually type 'Y' to Sheet I4 Cell N15 to denote match over and trigger formulae referencing this cell N15
So, a long winded explanation to basically say, how can I write Y to cell N15 on Sheet I4 based on manually writing 'Y' to Cell N15 on Sheet I3 !!
Hope that makes sense to someone!!