Hi there and thanks for taking the time to look. I only hope that I can explain myself properly.

I have a macro that copies and pastes lot of information but have now come to the next point whereby I need it to loop based on the difference between two week numbers that a user selects from combo/input boxes, and to include the original week. I.e. 1 to 5 would repeat 5 times (5-1+1=5). I have managed to do this but the user is having to select from Month and week number combo boxes 5 times which is time consuming.

What I would like to do is to repeat the macro based on the values above but 1) paste the month (from formula) based on the week number (if the user chose 1 to 52, all of the appropriate months would be pasted) and 2) the next consecutive week number would be pasted based on the week number range. I.e. the original macro has pasted a block of 10 rows of data, the user chose the start week of 1 and the end week of 5. 1 is pasted next to the first block of ten rows and then Jan is pasted next to that. Another block of 10 rows is pasted, then 2 is pasted next to the first block of ten rows and then Jan is pasted next to that. Next would be 3, then 4 and finally 5 with the loop stopping.

I hope that I have explained this fully, and really hope someone can help

Many thanks in advance