I have created a "splash screen" msg box, i have made the title in this msg box, but within this message box there is 2 sections one for the week and one for the month, whihc shows sales, qtys and profit, basically its a summary of the report they are about to view.

What i want to do is have something a little like this within the msg box


Sales £10,000
Qty 6,000
Profit £2,200


Sales £50,000
Qty 21,000
Profit £9,400

below is what i have and i dont know how to change the numbers to accomodate the commas or change the sub heading to bold


Sales £10000
Qty 6000
Profit £2200


Sales £50000
Qty 21000
Profit £9400

Does anyone know if this is possible within my code to create? My code is currently......

MsgBox "Compared to the mid year reforecast" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Sales have " & IIf([E7>0], "in", "de") & "creased by " & Format([E7], "£0") & vbCrLf & "Actual sold quantity has " & IIf([E8>0], "in", "de") & "creased by " & Format([E8], "0") & vbCrLf & "Gross margin has " & IIf([E9>0], "in", "de") & "creased by " & Format([E9], "£0") & vbCrLf & "The overall GM% has" & IIf([E10>0], "in", "de") & "creased by " & Format([E10], "0.0%"), vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Period" & " " & Format([B2], "0") & "." & Format([C2], "0") & " " & "Summary"