
I'm drafting a simple VBA code, I would like to use it to cycle through different options and print a set of tables corresponding to combinations of different options. I'm using For To commands and counts to select different options. Unfortunately, I keep on getting 1004 error. I'm wondering if someone could help me with this small assignment? My code looks like follows:
Private Sub PrintAllTables_Click()
' PrintAllTables Macro
' Prints all tables for the workbook.
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+T
Dim count As Integer
Dim year(2) As String
Dim service(2) As String
Dim countB As Integer
Dim countC As Integer

year(1) = "2010"
year(2) = "2011"

service(1) = "People Services"
service(2) = "Other Services"

For count = 1 To 4
   count_str = CStr(count)
   Range("family_number").Value = count
   Application.Run "Update"
    For countB = 1 To 2
        Range("year_selection").Value = year(countB)
        Application.Run "Update"
           For countC = 1 To 2
                Range("service_area").Value = service(countC)
                Application.Run "Update"
        Application.Run "Update"
    MsgBox "PDFs were generated successfully.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Macro finished"
End Sub