Hi all

I'm New to the excel macro. I'm having excel column key value (scrNo and taskName TeamMember and hours)

scrNo taskName Hours TeamMembers[/B] (groupedby)

6533 project 10.5 santosh
6533 project 10 santosh
1423 team work 23 rajesh
2343 work order 10.4 ganesh
2354 testing 21.1 ganesh

TeamMembers are grouped by. and i want to create excel report based on individual member effort hours like below and respective graph based on scr no and hours. can any one help me to do in excel macro.![pleace check the attach image.][1]


ScrNo Hours
2343 10.5
2354 21.5

Total 32

xx xxx
Rajesh.... like above

please check my attached excel sheet screen shot

image link : http://i.stack.imgur.com/ECwiu.jpg
