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VBA for to - Error 1004

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  1. #1
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    Angry VBA for to - Error 1004


    I'm drafting a simple VBA code, I would like to use it to cycle through different options and print a set of tables corresponding to combinations of different options. I'm using For To commands and counts to select different options. Unfortunately, I keep on getting 1004 error. I'm wondering if someone could help me with this small assignment? My code looks like follows:
    Private Sub PrintAllTables_Click()
    ' PrintAllTables Macro
    ' Prints all tables for the workbook.
    ' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+T
    Dim count As Integer
    Dim year(2) As String
    Dim service(2) As String
    Dim countB As Integer
    Dim countC As Integer
    year(1) = "2010"
    year(2) = "2011"
    service(1) = "People Services"
    service(2) = "Other Services"
    For count = 1 To 4
       count_str = CStr(count)
       Range("family_number").Value = count
       Application.Run "Update"
        For countB = 1 To 2
            Range("year_selection").Value = year(countB)
            Application.Run "Update"
               For countC = 1 To 2
                    Range("service_area").Value = service(countC)
                    Application.Run "Update"
            Application.Run "Update"
        MsgBox "PDFs were generated successfully.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Macro finished"
    End Sub
    Kind regards,

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Norie's Avatar
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    Re: VBA for to - Error 1004


    Where/when do you get the error?

    Also, where is the sub Update located and how is it declared?

    Oh, and why do you run it 3 times?
    If posting code please use code tags, see here.

  3. #3
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    Re: VBA for to - Error 1004


    Thank you very much for taking interest in my modest post. The idea behind the macro is to generate set of PDF with use of a small table. Table represents values for different combinations of indicators, years and group. I've two groups for the indicator, two years and for family groups. Consequently, I've to genereta 2 x 2 x 4 tables. I get the error while trying to compile the code but there is no reference to a particular cell. Macro is assigned to a button in a worksheet. By the way, I updated the code to generate PDFs:

    Private Sub PrintAllTables_Click()
    ' PrintAllTables Macro
    ' Prints all tables for the workbook.
    ' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+T
    Dim count As Integer
    Dim year(2) As String
    Dim service(2) As String
    Dim countB As Integer
    Dim countC As Integer
    year(1) = "2010"
    year(2) = "2011"
    service(1) = "People Services"
    service(2) = "Other Services"
    Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    strDocuments = WshShell.SpecialFolders("MyDocuments")
    For count = 1 To 4
       count_str = CStr(count)
       Range("family_number").Value = count
       Application.Run "Update"
        For countB = 1 To 2
            Range("year_selection").Value = year(countB)
            Application.Run "Update"
               For countC = 1 To 2
                    Range("service_area").Value = service(countC)
                    Application.Run "Update"
                    For Each x In Range("a1:ee21").Cells
                    If x.Value <> "" And x.Row > maxrow Then maxrow = x.Row
                    If x.Value <> "" And x.Column > maxcol Then maxcol = x.Column
                    Next x
                    Set lastcell = Range("a1").Offset(maxrow, maxcol)
                    Set printcells = Range("a1" & ":" & lastcell.Address)
                    ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = printcells.Address
                    ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:=strDocuments & "family_" & (count) & "_" & year(countB) & "_" & service(countC) & ".pdf" _
            , Quality:=xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas _
            :=False, OpenAfterPublish:=False
            Application.Run "Update"
        MsgBox "PDFs were saved in your documents.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Macro finished"
    End Sub

  4. #4
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    Re: VBA for to - Error 1004

    The macro stops on:
                   Range("service_area").Value = service(countC)
    I did change the update procedure to Application.Calculate

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Re: VBA for to - Error 1004

    Everything is working like a charm, mistakenly I had a wrong name in a range in Excel

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