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Copy and Paste Row If Condition is Met

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    Copy and Paste Row If Condition is Met


    Please help me with a macro that copies and pastes a row to another worksheet if a condition is met. Please see the attachment.

    This is what I need the macro to do:

    If Worksheet.FillOutThisForm.Range("E:E") contains the word "Sender", find the row in Worksheet.SendSide that contains the corresponding unique identifier in column L of Worksheet.FillOutThisForm. Then, copy the entire row from Worksheet.SendSide and paste in the next available row in Worksheet.Subjects.

    If Worksheet.FillOutThisForm.Range("E:E") contains the word "Payee", find the row in Worksheet.Payside1 that contains the corresponding unique identifier in column L of Worksheet.FillOutThisForm. Then, copy and paste the entire row from Worksheet.SendSide and paste in the next available row in Worksheet.Subjects.

    If Worksheet.FillOutThisForm.Range("E:E") contains the word "Both", then ignore that unique identifer and move on.

    The range of data in WorkSheet.FillOutThisForm.Range("E:E") will vary.

    Thank you for your help!

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