HI i need a VBA macro to perform some function in EXCEL. I have attached the file
In the attached Excel. I have some sequence of Values in column A. For Better Clarity i have added the image below in this table
This is how my data looks most of the time and the maximum number in the column A here i mentioned is jus 5. but it is not fixed, it may vary
THis is my Algorithm
1. TO check the Max values present in Column A
2. TO Start of my program, the code should directly go to (2,1). That is the value in the column A should be 2 and its corresponding value in column B should be 1.
3. Now the value corresponding to that in cell D and cell E should be compared with with group 1 data of cell D and E. For better clarity i have added image below
4. The value in Cell D and Cell E matches with any one of the values in Cell D and E in group 1. then nothing shoould be done. IF it doesnt matches, then i need to select group 2 and sort based on column in descending order..
5. Next i need to go (3,1) that is value in column A should be 3 and value in column B should be 1. again same process its corresponding value in Cell D and E should be compared to Group 2 this time, i.e compared with values of cell D and Cell E in group 2 and if it doesnt matches, Group 3 should be selected and sored based on column B in descending order...
Finally wen it comes to group 5, (5,1) and its corresponding Cell D and Cell E data shd be compared with group 1 datas and sorted..
Can anyone give any suggestion to this automation.
Your Valuable suggestion will be very much helpful to me