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Pull data from weekly report and post to running spreadsheet

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processcker Pull data from weekly report... 08-08-2013, 04:20 PM
processcker Re: Pull data from weekly... 08-12-2013, 08:18 AM
processcker Re: Pull data from weekly... 08-20-2013, 02:19 PM
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    Pull data from weekly report and post to running spreadsheet

    I have never written VBA before and I need to pull specifics from a report that can be pulled as txt or as xls. Is there a way to write this?

    I need the following data from the attached spreadsheet to be put in a running list of weekly productivity reporting:
    The date (only the date, not the time) next to "From" in column C
    The names (only the names, not the " - Loan Operations") with the corrosponding heading of KTM Document Review or KTM Validation in Column B
    The total Sessions for each person pulled

    The data can be dumped into the next available row of the worksheet in the following way: Column A=date, Column B=Header, Column C=name, Column D=total.

    Any explanation on how this can be accomplished would be appreciated.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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