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Macro to copy date to specific sheet based on data from another sheet.

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  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    Aberdeen, Scotland
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    Excel 2007

    Re: Macro to copy date to specific sheet based on data from another sheet.

    thanks for replying AB33. Ignore the destRows, they are for a different function and that one works fine.

    It's 'testRow' that I'm trying to sort out. and it's selecting the correct row, it's just not incrementing properly. Taking out the
    testRow =  testRow + 1
    just screws everything up.

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
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    Aberdeen, Scotland
    MS-Off Ver
    Excel 2007

    Re: Macro to copy date to specific sheet based on data from another sheet.

    Correction, I am that someone. Even if that someone used trial and error for hours to figure it out.
    Don't know why anyone else would ever need/use this overly complicated code but here's it is.

    Sub PrintPDF()
       Dim FileName As String
       Dim trSh As Worksheet
       Dim trRegSh As Worksheet
       Dim Docsht As Worksheet
       Dim destRow As Long
       Dim testRow As Long
       Dim Nametest As Worksheet
       Dim n As Integer, m As Integer
       Dim r As Integer, i As Integer
       Dim myRecipients As String
       Dim FPath As String
       Dim NameEase As String
       FPath = "C:\Users\rthomson\Desktop\"
       With ThisWorkbook
          Set trSh = .Sheets("Transmittal Sheet")
          Set trRegSh = .Sheets("Transmittal Register")
       End With
       'save as pdf
       FileName = trSh.Cells(12, "R")
       trSh.ExportAsFixedFormat xlTypePDF, FileName:= _
       FPath & FileName & ".pdf"
       'move data from transmittal sheet to transmittal register
       destRow = trRegSh.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
       For i = 12 To 15
          'for each recipient
          If Trim(trSh.Cells(i, "c")) = "" Then
             Exit For
             If i > 12 Then
                myRecipients = myRecipients & "; "
             End If
             myRecipients = myRecipients & trSh.Cells(i, "c")
          End If
       Next i
       For r = 26 To 33
          'for each document
          If Trim(trSh.Cells(r, "h")) = "" Then
             Exit For
          End If
            NameEase = trSh.Cells(r, "h")
            Set Nametest = Sheets(NameEase)
          testRow = Nametest.Range("B30").End(xlUp).Row
          destRow = destRow + 1
          testRow = testRow + 1
          trRegSh.Cells(destRow, "b") = trSh.Cells(r, "f")
          trRegSh.Cells(destRow, "c") = trSh.Cells(r, "h")
          trRegSh.Cells(destRow, "d") = trSh.Cells(r, "j")
          trRegSh.Cells(destRow, "e") = "DCC"
          trRegSh.Cells(destRow, "f") = myRecipients
          trRegSh.Cells(destRow, "g") = trSh.Cells(39, "R")
          trRegSh.Cells(destRow, "h") = Date
          trRegSh.Cells(destRow, "i") = trSh.Range("r40")
          trRegSh.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=trRegSh.Cells(destRow, "a"), _
          Address:=FPath & FileName & ".pdf", _
          ScreenTip:="Click to open Transmittal", _
          Nametest.Cells(testRow, "B") = trSh.Cells(12, "R")
          Nametest.Cells(testRow, "E") = trSh.Cells(r, "f")
          Nametest.Cells(testRow, "F") = myRecipients
          Nametest.Cells(testRow, "K") = trSh.Cells(39, "R")
          Nametest.Cells(testRow, "N") = Date
       Next r
       Set trSh = Nothing
       Set trRegSh = Nothing
    End Sub
    Now if only I could give myself rep.

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