Good afternoon all!

I'll try to explain this as clearly as possible.

I'm trying to design a macro to copy specific information from cells on one sheet to another. However the Macro has to select which sheet to copy the data to from the data on the first sheet.

So say the first sheet has document number, name, revision, date, transmittal no. etc. The macro would copy the revision, date and transmittal no. to (Document Number Sheet)

Apologies in advance for this code, because it also functions already to create a pdf, save info in another sheet and create a hyperlink to pdf, this was just the most functional place to insert the code. I've highlighted the specific bits I'm working on in red. The main rpoblem I'm having is setting the worksheet based on a value from a cell without using a heap of preprogrammed IF statements to pick for me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Sub PrintPDF()
   Dim FileName As String
   Dim trSh As Worksheet
   Dim trRegSh As Worksheet
   Dim Docsht As Worksheet
   Dim destRow As Long
   Dim testRow As Long
   Dim Nametest As Worksheet
   Dim NameEase As String
   Dim r As Integer, i As Integer
   Dim myRecipients As String
   Dim FPath As String
   FPath = "C:\Users\rthomson\Desktop\"
   With ThisWorkbook
      Set trSh = .Sheets("Transmittal Sheet")
      Set trRegSh = .Sheets("Transmittal Register")
   End With

   'save as pdf
   FileName = trSh.Cells(12, "R")
   trSh.ExportAsFixedFormat xlTypePDF, FileName:= _
   FPath & FileName & ".pdf"

   'move data from transmittal sheet to transmittal register
   destRow = trRegSh.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
   testRow = Nametest.Cells(20, 2).End(x1Up).Row
   For i = 12 To 15
      'for each recipient
      If Trim(trSh.Cells(i, "c")) = "" Then
         Exit For
         If i > 12 Then
            myRecipients = myRecipients & "; "
         End If
         myRecipients = myRecipients & trSh.Cells(i, "c")
      End If
   Next i
   For r = 26 To 33
      'for each document
      If Trim(trSh.Cells(r, "h")) = "" Then
         Exit For
      End If
      NameEase = trSh.Cells(r, "h")
        Set Nametest = .Sheets("NameEase")
      destRow = destRow + 1
      trRegSh.Cells(destRow, "b") = trSh.Cells(r, "f")
      trRegSh.Cells(destRow, "c") = trSh.Cells(r, "h")
      trRegSh.Cells(destRow, "d") = trSh.Cells(r, "j")
      trRegSh.Cells(destRow, "e") = "DCC"
      trRegSh.Cells(destRow, "f") = myRecipients
      trRegSh.Cells(destRow, "g") = trSh.Cells(39, "R")
      trRegSh.Cells(destRow, "h") = Date
      trRegSh.Cells(destRow, "i") = trSh.Range("r40")
      trRegSh.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=trRegSh.Cells(destRow, "a"), _
      Address:=FPath & FileName & ".pdf", _
      ScreenTip:="Click to open Transmittal", _
      testRow = testRow + 1
      Nametest.Cells(testRow, "B") = trSh.Cells(12, "R")
      Nametest.Cells(testRow, "E") = trSh.Cells(r, "f")
      Nametest.Cells(testRow, "F") = myRecipients
      Nametest.Cells(testRow, "K") = trSh.Cells(39, "R")
      Nametest.Cells(testRow, "N") = Date
   Next r
   Set trSh = Nothing
   Set trRegSh = Nothing
End Sub