I have created a userform for a database of contacts, I have a combobox on the userform that pulls a company name from column A based on that selection a number of textboxes are populated with info from the related adjacent rows.
My issue is I would like to be able to edit the data in the textboxes and click a command button to update the related data.....I have got it to work kindof........the worksheet will update but if I try to delete a contact and a row it will not work, it removes the data from column A and then re-sorts the data (i want the re-sort) because the data is sorted a-z off of column A this pushes the rows that should be deleated to the bottom of the worsheet but does not clear them.....any ideas?

Attached is a sample of my Workbook.Code Rev 1 -Sub Database 1.1.zip

Note:I cannot use the VLookup or Match to find the combobox value because the data in row A is not all unique (IE: multiple contacts from the same company = duplicate values in column A)